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Centre for Atmospheric Science

NCAS Supported Research at CAS

The National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) carry out research in three themes which address specific societal needs. These are air pollution, climate and high-impact weather, and long-term global change.

Air Pollution

Human exposure to air pollution is a significant global environmental burden. Improving air quality and reducing its impacts on people and economic development requires knowledge of chemical emissions, their transport over a range of space scales, their reactions and environmental fate.

Climate and High-impact Weather

High impact weather events are events of exceptional intensity or duration, usually with high socio-economic impacts. Society needs improved early warnings, risk assessments and further knowledge on the impact of climate change, in order to mitigate the risks of high-impact weather.

Long-term Global Change

Human activities are now the major driver of changes in global atmospheric composition and its interactions with Earth’s climate. Society needs scientific evidence to inform adaptation and mitigation policies that respond to this unprecedented global challenge.

Centre for Atmospheric Science

There are researchers, PhD students and support staff at the Centre for Atmospheric Science supported by NCAS.

Dr Rami Alfarra

Dr James Allan

Prof. Hugh Coe

Dr Jonathan Crosier

Prof. Martin Gallagher

Ms Rutambhara Joshi

Dr Gary Lloyd

Prof. Gordon McFiggans

Dr. Emily Norton

Dr. Simon O’Meara>

Dr. Hugo Ricketts

Miss Julie Samson

Ms Jessica Slater

Prof. Geraint Vaughan

Dr. Paul Williams