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Centre for Atmospheric Science

CityFlux Measurements 2006

Map showing the main CITYFLUX sites in Manchester.
Map showing the main CITYFLUX sites in Manchester.


Detail of the Oxford Road Sites.
Detail of the Oxford Road Sites.

In May 2006 teams and instruments from our University and CEH joined up for the second Manchester campaign. Experimental Phase Two involved further direct particle flux measurements at two main locations with additional sites in Manchester. A tower-top site was located at Portland Tower (as in Phase one). Deployed here were a sonic anemometer, CPC, UHSAS, APS, SMPS, AMS and ozone analyser. A sonic anemometer, ToFAMS, DMPS, CO analyser and Grimm was simultaneously located at a street level site - the Dancehouse Theatre - on Oxford Road, a street canyon with very high bus and pedestrian use. The inlet and sonic anemometer for this site were positioned on a lamppost 0.5m away from the roadside. A second Grimm was placed further down Oxford Road to give background measurements of the road. A second sonic anemometer with a QCLAS was also located south of the Dancehouse on Oxford Road from a towavan. Finally, a mini SODAR was based at the Mason Centre giving wind speed profiles for the entire period.

Between Experimental Phase One and Phase Two additional measurements were made at Portland Tower using a sonic anemometer, CPC, APS and Grimm to lend further information of winter measurements to the summer measurements.

CEH Edinburgh:

The CEH team made additional measurements at the Dancehouse Theatre and Portland Tower. For further details, see CEH webpages.

Manchester Equipment:

Palace Hotel
Sonic Anemometer

Portland Tower (80m)
10 m mast clamped to plant room wall
Gill Solent R3 sonic
CPC 3025A
Ozone analyser

Dancehouse (Oxford Road)
Gill Solent R3 sonic
CO analyser
Grimm 1.108

MMU All Saints Building (Oxford Road)
Grimm 1.108

Mason Centre (University)

Under Mancunian Way
QC-TDL (ammonia and nitric acid), Sonic Anemometer


CPC, Licor and APS on Portland Tower (photographs: Timothy Martin).
CPC, Licor and APS on Portland Tower (photographs: Timothy Martin).

Additional experiments.
While Phase Two was ongoing, two tracer release experiments were carried out by the University of Bristol using a number of sites around the city including the University of Manchester Cessna to give elevated measurements. For further information, see the University of Bristol website.

Published work.
Whitehead et al. (2007) Seasonal and Diurnal Variation in Atmospheric Ammonia in an Urban Environment Measured Using a Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectrometer. Water, Air & Soil Pollution.