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Centre for Atmospheric Science

Great Dun Fell Field Station

View of the Great Dun Fell site, showing the measurement platform and some instrumentation, with the Civil Aviation radar building in the background.
View of the Great Dun Fell site, showing the measurement platform and some instrumentation, with the Civil Aviation radar building in the background.

Located in the Northern Pennines in Cumbria, at a height of 847m, Great Dun Fell has hosted a number of major international projects in the field of cloud aerosol interaction and cloud processing of aerosol. Many publications have resulted from work carried out at this site, a list of some of these publications can be found here.

The site is remote from highly populated areas, and as such experiences generally clean air masses. It's altitude and the local climate mean that the site is in cloud for approximately two thirds of the year, making ideal for cloud microphysics experiments. The local terrain also makes orographic hill cap cloud common at this site, and three site flow through cloud processing experiments have often been carried out here.

The Centre for Atmospheric Science no longer maintains a permenant station at the Great Dunn Fell site, but does have the option to use the site for short term measurement projects.

Two Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes, and a Particulate Volume Monitor deployed on the platform at Great Dun Fell, during an intercomparison experiment.
Two Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes, and a Particulate Volume Monitor deployed on the platform at Great Dun Fell, during an intercomparison experiment.