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Centre for Atmospheric Science

The Holme Moss Meteorological Observatory

Holme Moss Observatory
The Holme Moss Observatory (Photo Dr. Ian Longley)


The Holme Moss Meteorological Observatory is located in the Southern Pennines close to the top of Black Hill in the Peak District, at a height of 525m. Measurements of standard meteorological parameters are made continuously with some data being made available publicly in real time via the internet. Most of the current instrumentation was installed in 1999 and replaced older equipment installed in 1993. Summary plots of most of the past data have also been made available on this site.


Data Usage and Availability

Data from Holme Moss will be used in support of NERC and EPSRC funded scientific research projects and projects by undergraduate and postgraduate research students as part of the School’s curriculum. Data will also be made available publicly in the same way as for the Whitworth Observatory. Real time data and graphical summaries of key parameters are available on this website. Detailed datasets can be provided on request. Data will be provided free of charge to members of the public and educational establishments for teaching purposes. Where data are required in support of commercial activities or funded research projects a financial contribution towards the maintenance of the observatory will be sought thus helping to ensure its future.


Current Status

Currently the following instruments are operated at Holme Moss: Present Weather Sensor; Thies Laser Precipitation Monitor; sonic anemometer; and a Rotronic Humicap. These instruments provide high resolution data for the following parameters: Temperature; Relative Humidity; Wind Speed; Wind Direction; Visibility and Precipitation. Data from these instruments is made available on this website in real time.

The Thies Laser Precipitation Monitor is on loan from the Met Office and is being operated at Holme Moss in conjunction with the National Centre for Atmospheric Science as part of project no. IDC: OD7308 'Evaluation of a 3D Hydrometeor Classifier based on Met Office Dual-Polarisation Radar Data'


Future Plans

It is hoped that additional instruments can be added to the set up at Holme Moss as funds/instruments become available.

For further information or to request observatory datasets please contact Dr. Michael Flynn.